Saturday, May 27, 2006


On My Own

Empty Chairs, Empty Tables

I Dreamed a Dream

Bring Him Home

Do you Hear the People Sing (has annyoing background voices)

Sunday, October 10, 2004



Friday, July 09, 2004

Leaving Today

Umm, I'm leaving to the States this afternoon. My flight is tomorrow at 2pm. Kinda nervous, the pre-flight syndrome, when I worry about things such as: what if the plane crashes... eh.. x_x

Well.. I won't have unlimited internet access in China, last time I went back the phone bill was sky high because I was constently chatting and stuff... heh... Well, must go..

Currently feels very empty.

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Time Gap

It's been a loong time since I last blogged. So lazy.. yeah.

Not much happened over the last few days. Had a parade on July 3rd in Northville, MI. Good parade, but it was unbearably hot. Yeah. Pshhh.

Well, today I went to school and got my not-so-good report card. Badness. Three of my marks sucks. Well, one of them is okay because it's Phys. Ed., so that doesn't matter. So I guess only two of my marks suck? I did bad.. yeah... Next year, I'll actually try harder, if me and Hikari doesn't mess up again -_-. Yeah... So that might pull my grades up a little bit.

I'm going to China on July 10th, YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will go back to see my grandparents and all that. Coming back on September 1st. which means I will be here for registering day, and my birthday too. Started packing yesterday. Boring...

Link of the Day:P u r e n e s s - Hikari's Blog. <-- She updated today too! Before I did. Heh..

Tuesday, June 29, 2004


Tired... Want to go to sleep... Can barely keep my eyes open... Must stay awake... x_x I'm sleepy, but I can't fall asleep now because if I do, and then my dad wakes me up when he comes home (yeah, I'm home alone), I'd never be able to go back to sleep again..-_- Basically, I have to keep myself awake. Yeah..

Yesterday, I was at the States with my parents. My parents bought some stuff in some stores, I bought books in Borders: Airframe by Michael Crichton, and Dilbert comic books. Dilbert is the coolest comic ever!! :D I bought a three book in one volume thing for $5.99 US, it was on sale. Hehee ^__^.Dilbert is soo cool! I will go read them now. :)

Here is the Site of the Day:
Dibert's Offical Website. Enjoy!

Saturday, June 26, 2004


Yeehaw!!! Yahahahah!! ^_______^ I'm happy happy happy!!! Umm, if you wonder why, heh.. the answer should be obvious... NOT! :P.. Well, umm, a person is back today. So, yeah.. heh.. ^___^

Hikari wasn't online at all today.. :( I miss my twin.

Must go.

Friday, June 25, 2004

Added to day:

Hikari and I are definitely twins. We even blogged at the same time. Yah!


T___T...! Mom's been on the phone for a looong time now. And I really need to use it!! An entire week I've waited.... Very long time... Can't stand this anymore... AHHHH!!! *goes insane*...*hopes around*... *listens to calming music* Gah! It's not helping, but making it worse! x_x *dead*

Okay... *calms down* Inhale... Exhale... I'm fine now, I think... I guess I have to wait until tomorrow. That's a long time >_
I will stop complaing about this, rant about something else. Hmm, oh yeah: Hikari needs to update her blog!! It's been neglected for a while now. Lazy bum.. just like me. Totally twins, XD. Bomb demons, yah! ^_^

Pshhh, mom's kicking me off the internet. Hmp! She's hogging the phone AND controlling the computer.. NOT FAIR!!!


Whoa.. I do use "..." A LOT... Like now... And now... And now... It's never ending... See? Oh, the dots ended... Or not... x_x I dun think it will end.... STOP!!! Okay... oops, nevermind... heh... must stop all the dot-ness... STOP!!! STOP!!! DO NOT REPEAT AGAIN!!! There.

That just shows that I'm crazy.. BECAUSE MOM WON'T GET OFF THE FRIGGIN PHONE!!!